Parks and Recreation Minutes – September 18, 2012

Parks and Recreation Meeting – September 18, 2012             approved 10-16-2012              

3-5 PM at the Alden Community Center

In attendance:

Committee members: Steve Dell, Jan Loveland, Carolyn Nowfel, Dave Peterson & Ruth Smith. Absent: Harvey Bartel, Mike Crawford, & Casey McDowell

Community Input: Jan Loveland reported for someone who had voiced a concern to her about a noisy party at the Depot that went well after the 11 PM finish time. This same concern was addressed at the last Township meeting.

Other agenda items:

The possibility of having conflict of interest concerns as an ongoing agenda item was discussed.

Adding an ongoing agenda item of reporting any pertinent notes from those attending the Helena Township meeting was discussed. It was agreed that this will be a permanent agenda item in the future


The minutes from 08-14-12 were reviewed by the Committee and approved.
Old Business:

Jan has booklets showing toddler playground equipment. She reported on several options that she thought might work. The committee plans to look more closely at this during the winter. Dave mentioned that nearer to the June 30th fiscal year end we will also have a better idea of remaining funds in the Pks & Rec. budget.


Dave reported that areas around the basketball court and the pavilion at The Tennis Court Park have been filled and leveled. Dave also reported that improvements have been made in the road at the Ball Field Park. They also installed a drainage pipe at the Ball Field Park. Total cost of both jobs was apx. $2,000.


Harvey was not in attendance to report on his findings concerning what ACD & HE mean in the old plan grid.

Ruth was not able to number the Pk & Rec facilities map because of missing information.
Accessibility assessments were made concerning each Park. This information has been added to the Recreational Inventory grid.


Unauthorized boat mooring was discussed. The Township Board did discuss this at their

September 13th meeting. They plan to move forward on this issue over the Winter. Because the Township is planning to take action on this Pks. & Rec. will do nothing further at this time.
New Business:
Ruth presented a proposed memo to be sent to the Township Board concerning clearing five trees that are across the Coy Mt. Trail. It was reviewed and approved and will be sent 09-20-2012.
The idea of researching rules and laws governing road ending lake access sites was discussed and there was general support that it would be a good idea for Ruth and Steve to become more knowledgeable in this area.


Five Year Plan:If it is bold it is on the ‘to do’ list.

1. Will complete information on the Community Center for the Recreational Inventory
2.Carolyn will continue typing the new Five Year Plan as items come to her from P & R Committee members.



  1. Dave has done some research on riparian bottom land rights / DNR regulations. From what he has found he feels that the Township will need to seek legal advice concerning riparian bottom land rights.
  2. Dave will complete information on ‘Dock’ and Valleau Landing for the Recreational inventory. This is to be emailed to Ruth.
    He will pursue the proper name we should be using for the ‘Dock’ Park.
    3. Dave will ask that a map be done that identifies the Parks and Road ending lake access sites. This will be done after Ruth sends him the numbering / lettering system to be used.



  1. Will check with some of the former Pk & Rec. members to see what the numbering used on the old grid under Facility Name meant ie: ACD 85 & HE 06
  2. Will work on a Resource Inventory that lists possible land acquisition goals for the future (page 8 in the Guidelines).


No specific assignment at this time.





Five Year Plan continued:If it is bold it is on the ‘to do’ list.



  1. Complete minutes & ask for additions / corrections / clarifications from the Committee. Send approved August minutes to Bonnie Robbins for input on web site.
    2. Ask Bonnie Robbins to update the P & R meeting day / time on the web site to show we meet the third Tuesday of each month at 3 PM.
  2. To work with Steve on completing the grid format of the Recreational inventories for the 5 Yr. Plan using information sent by other Committee members
  3. Take the map and number the Township Pk & Rec. properties 1- 7. Also label the road ending lake access sites A – M.   Email the information to Dave.
  4. Work with Steve to research the road ending lake access sites to determine exact rules of usage +
  5. Research the dates our DNR Recreational grants were received and notify Carolyn of findings
  6. To send memo to the Township Board asking that the downed trees across the hiking trail at Coy Mt. be removed.



  1. Will prepare an information sheet on road ending lake access sites to be included separately from the Recreational Inventory for the 5 Yr.Plan.
  2. To work with Ruth on completing the grid format of the Recreational inventories for the 5 Yr. Plan using information sent by other Committee members.
  3. Work with Ruth to research the road ending lake access sites to determine exact rules of usage
  4. Will do a follow up to discuss deed restrictions concerning Township property – for January agenda.


Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith
