Parks and Recreation Minutes – October 15, 2013

Minutes Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting – Alden Community Center
Meeting date: October 15, 2013
In attendance: Carolyn Nowfel, & Ruth Smith.
Absent: Mike Crawford, Steve Dell, Jan Loveland, & Dave Peterson

Community Input: No community input.

Minutes from 09/17/2013 -approved as presented & will be published on the HT website.
Information from monthly Helena Twp. Mtg
Treatment of Eurasian Mill Foil went well with good results. It will return but this treatment was successful.
There has been a request from a citizen living next to the Lake St. Public access that a poplar tree that is leaning on that site be removed. The Township will review this request.
The request to have some trees at the Depot Park pruned was discussed. They believe that Mike Crawford may have finished the work there. Herbicide will be put on the pruned stumps.
The Five Year plan was mailed to the DNR.
There is a Chain of Lakes and East Bay Water Trail project taking place and there is a request that HT give input concerning decisions to be made on collecting information about access sites, seasonal highlights, historical and scenic sites, insights about needs and gaps in trail amenities etc..

The Five Year plan was completed and mailed to the DNR the week of Oct. 7th.
The Parks and Recreation Committee meeting dates & times are now listed on the HT website.

We did not work on prioritizing the future agenda items. Two additional items were added.
Steve asked the Committee if they would approve his checking out the costs involved in redoing the tennis court surfaces in Tennis Court Park and asking the twp. Board’s approval to seek grant money from the GT Band. Those present supported this plan. Waiting on a report back from Steve on this.

Carolyn did talk with Dan Roketenetz concerning a corrected map being used in the Five Year plan and for HT official business. Carolyn also talked with Dave Peterson, HT clerk, about this issue. It is believed that new maps have been printed.

Action Items needed:


Jan: Talk with Bob Robbins Re: questions concerning public input on the plan not being on the website.

Mike: Volunteered to obtain some abstracts we might find useful.

1.The approved September minutes are to be sent to Joyce Looman for publishing online.
2. The October minutes need to be prepared for review by the Committee and will be sent to Rick after feedback from committee members.
3. The meeting dates and times have been added to the HT website.
Action Items needed:
Completed the e-copy of the 5-year plan.
To report back on his research of costs of redoing the tennis court surfaces at Tennis Court Park and looking into the grant process for grants from the GT Band.

These items will continue to be carried forward until they are discussed by the Committee
1. Deed restrictions for Helena Twp. Parks are to be reviewed. (Bring copies of deeds -Steve)
2. Riparian rights / possible review by township attorney (Dave)
3. Handicap parking in Helena Township (Discussion).
4. Research rules and laws governing road ending lake access sites (Steve, Ruth)
5. Discuss possible memo to the Township about developing a plan concerning reservation of usage for all Township Parks
6.Discuss possible memo to the Township concerning placing signs at all Parks to clarify Township ownership                         and whom to contact if there are questions concerning or problems with the Park
7. Further discuss Alden Safe Harbor and its park status / ownership – memo to Board?
8. Work to update the Parks and Recreation pages of the Helena Township web site.
9. The Helena Township Master plan (Jan. 2010) mentions that a member of the planning commission will
appoint one of its members to the Pk. & Rec. Committee.
10. Mike mentioned the AAU Sports / Recreation Complex – Morey Complex- and suggested that they may be    looking to locate a similar complex in Northern Michigan.
11. Look into the possibility of Flo McCormick (MI Assoc. of Counties) helping with writing any Pks. And Rec.
grants. (Mike Crawford). Determine a grant writing resource and consider a grant recommendation review committee (P&R Committee – ?) that would review grants and give input to the Township Board (Rick)
12. Consider Keith Charters as a resource for Pk. & Rec. projects.
13. Check responsibilities of Parks & Rec. Comm. outlined in the current HT Master Plan
14. Any new equipment (picnic tables, benches, etc.) in our parks should not be made of wood (Rick)
15. Determine if we can assess a rental fee for the depot. The building was funded by a grant from DNR.
Would that preclude charging a fee for the use of the flatbed railcar, pavilion, etc. (Rick)
16 Follow-up to see that the map we use for Pks & Rec. purposes are correct – keep contact with Dan Roketenetz on this. Be sure the signs at the Lake St. and other sites give the public a clear idea of what is public and what is private land.
17 There is a Chain of Lakes and East Bay Water Trail project taking place and there is a request that HT give input concerning decisions to be made on collecting information about access sites, seasonal highlights, historical and scenic sites, insights about needs and gaps in trail amenities etc.. Discuss Pk & Rec involvement.


The next regular monthly meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 19th, at 3 PM
respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 10-15-2013