Parks and Recreation Committee Agenda for 1/01/2020 (ouch)
Meeting time is 7:00 – 9:00 pm on the first Wednesday of the month.
- Community input
- Minutes from 11/06/2019 meeting (Ruth).
- Information from monthly Helena Twp. Mtg. (Bonnie/Jim/Ruth).
- Soil Erosion at the Ball Park: Deed restrictions issue: Ruth to bring copies of deed for Ball Park to January Mtg. If our application for a erosion control permit is approved, we will again take this matter to the Township Board for further clarification. (Ruth)
- Coy Mtn Acquisition Project: GTRLC is doing fund raiser to see if acquisition funds can be raised privately without going through a DNR Grant application. Steve will bring timeframe info for DNR grant process to January mtg so we can plan out applying for a grant in case private fundraising doesn’t work.
- 5-year-plan approved by DNR on November 19, 2019 (HALLELUJAH!!!). Pass out copies to committee members (Steve).
- Capital Improvement Plan (CIP): (Dell)
Limit scope of CIP to Parks and Recreation jurisdictions only.
Ball Park: Snyder/Westerman, Coy Mtn: Dell,
Comm. Cntr: Robbins, Depot Park: Loveland
Road Endings: Robbins/Gurr, Safe Harbor & Archie Valleau Landing: Smith,
Tennis Court Park: Smith, Water Trails: Dell
Include the following items for discussion and add any items identified by Mike or the board.
– For each park, road end and water trail site, inventory all items in the asset.
– For each item in the asset, determine date acquired (age), current condition, useful life of item and date it may need to be replaced (use Mike to help with this)
– For each item in the asset, assign a number to identify that item and mark it with a permanent marker on a part of the item that is protected from the weather. Use this identifying number when describing the item in your assessment sheet.(NEW)
– For each asset, identify future projects and compile a budget and date of implementation.
– For each asset, identify future costs to replace each item inventoried and date replacement needed.
– For each asset, do an assessment of the handicap access.(NEW)
– Identify funding sources for any projects planned for that site.(NEW)
– Other:
Bonnie has agreed to input data initially on the CIP computer program and maintain the data going forward. Computer software for CIP program will be delivered in June.(Dell)
- Coy Mountain forest management plan accepted by the Board? (Jim, Ruth, Bonnie)
- Parking issues at safe harbor. Barry and Laura to meet with Burt Thompson of Antrim Co. Road Commission and report
back to committee. (Barry, Laura)(JAN)
- Fundraising and signage for Coy Mountain Preserve. Laura to contact GTRLC about P&R doing fundraising project that
might influence signage. Steve Lagerquist has stated the following inventory for signs needed at Coy: 5 UR Here signs
with numbered directional arrows; 1 Kiosk with language to be worked out with us. What else do we
need? (Laura, Jan, Steve)(JAN)
- Annual review of the Parks and Recreation Committee website. Bonnie to look over P&R website and report in
January (Bonnie, Ruth, Steve) (SEPT OF EACH YEAR)
- 12. Tri-fold brochure and some “high-tech” chips telling about our parks and community events. (Bonnie, Jan)(JAN)
- Recognition of volunteers who worked on Coy Mtn. trail redo. An article in one or more of the papers was the
suggestion the committee liked best(Jan)(APRIL)
- Celebration of the completion of the Coy Mountain Preserve trail redo (Jan) (APRIL)
- Annual assessment of Coy Mountain Trails and trees that need cutting and report to Twp. Board (Steve, Ruth)(NOV)
- Update on GTRLC/Helena Twp. Coy Mtn project. Signs won’t be coming until Spring. (Dell)(MARCH)