Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 3/07/2018 Approved 4/4/2018
Meeting time is 7:00 – 9:00 pm on the first Wednesday of the month. In attendance: Steve Dell, Jim Gurr, Bonnie Robbins, Ruth Smith, & Laura Westerman Absent: Jan Loveland, & Jeanne Peeples. Bonnie Robbins
Community input – None
- Minutes from 2/07/2018 meeting (Ruth). Approved as presented & will be published on the HT website.
- Information from Feb. Helena Twp. Mtg. (Bonnie/Jim/Ruth). Reported we are close to finishing the Five Yr. P&R Plan.
- Review application from GTRLC and Parks and Rec. to rework Coy Mtn. trails. Complete processing form. The application for reworking the Coy Mt. trail was reviewed using the processing form for project requests and the P&R committee is recommending that the township approve this project.
- HT Parks Community Survey and revision of our 5-year plan. (Steve/Ruth/Jan/Jim/Bonnie/Laura) Assignments for chapter revisions: Community Description: Jim Completed and approved
Administrative Structure: Bonnie Completed and approved
Inventory of parks…etc.: Ruth/Jan/Laura Completed and approved
Previous Grant Assisted Parks: Steve
Resource Inventory: Steve
Description of Planning…etc.: Bonnie Completed and approved
Goals, Objectives…etc.: Ruth/Steve There was an update which was approved. Plan Certification Checklist: Steve
Create database for respondents
who requested contact: Jan/Ruth listing completed. When the Five Yr. Plan is presented it would be a good idea to let these people know where they can review it and how to comment if they wish. The time frames were revised.
(Completed) July 1 – July 31: Monkey Survey to get public input. Also newspapers, flyers, postcards.
(Completed) August: Public meeting to get input on survey results. Coop Extension will help.
Meet with other groups (DABA, AV, etc.) to discuss results and get input.
Sept – April: Complete “Recreation and Natural Resources Plan” April: Review completed plan for approval at regular P&R meeting.
****:Publish 30 (+) day notice of ways to input & date for in person meeting to input on plan Send the plan to the HT Board via email. June: Offer an opportunity for public input at the regular P&R meeting June 6th. If revisions are needed schedule a special meeting to approve the plan once completed. June/July: Present completed plan to HT Board for review and approval.
July: Submit approved plan to DNR prior to this date.
- Decide what Twp. roads would be the best for a bicycle route. Look at entire county (See Master Plan).Moved to future agenda items – July 7. Reaching agreement between P&R and Twp. Board on goals for Coy Mtn as first step in developing management plan. Moved to future agenda items – July 8. Open House for Tennis Courts per DNR grant obligations. (Steve/Ruth) Mike Crawford has suggested a PB tournament run jointly by the Alden Men’s Club & ARSC. This fund raiser might be a good time to incorporate an Open House / ribbon cutting for the court resurfacing grant. Ruth to work on this project. The next monthly meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, April 4h, 2018 at 7pm in the meeting room at the Community Bldg. Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 03/ 10 /2018