Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 4/06/2022 Approved 5/4/2022
In attendance: Brian Apley, Steve Dell, Jim Gurr, Jan Loveland, Bonnie Robbins, Ruth Smith, & Barry Snyder
Non-members in attendance: Butch Peeples
1. Meeting called to order at 7:00pm
2. The meeting minutes from 03/02/2022 were approved & will be published on the HT website.
3. Information from the February HT Board Meetings: The board was advised of the date for the Coy Mt. Celebration. There was some discussion of maintenance done at the Lone Tree Point access.
4. No public comment.
5. Soil Erosion at the Ball Park. Barry, Brian, Bonnie, & Butch will continue to meet to discuss this.
6.Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Brian has looked into possible software programs that might help with the capital improvement plan. There was discussion on what was presented. Brian will do more research on this and report back next month.
7. Recognition of volunteers who worked on Coy Mtn. Trail redo and a celebration of the completion of the trail update project and purchase of additional land.:
The committee decided to hold the event at 10 am on Sat., July 16th.
We will try to arrange a meeting of those involved to plan event details. Jan and Ruth will work on publicity.
8. Toddler playground installation and celebration:
The decision was made to show off the new toddler equipment by having balloons and signage near the new equipment during Alden Days.
9. Update on Federal Covid rescue money coming to HT. There have been no decisions made concerning these funds. It will remain on the agenda for May.
10. The Antrim Co. Magistrate has requested projects in the township that people who have community service hours could be assigned to. Butch is asking that committee members send information on suggested projects to him.
11. MSU Cooperative Extension service is a resource available to help the township develop a master plan for the Ball Park. The Committee is interested in finding out more about what this would mean.
The committee requested that Steve invite John Amrhein to our May meeting to tell us more about how MSU Extension could work with us on this project.
Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 04/07/2022