Parks & Rec Minutes August 4, 2021

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Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 08/04/2021                                              Approved 9-1-2021 In attendance: Steve Dell, Jim Gurr, Bonnie Robbins, Ruth Smith, & Barry Snyder Absent: Jan Loveland Non-members in attendance: Butch Peeples 1. Meeting called to order at 7:08 pm

  1. The meeting minutes from 7/07/2021 were approved & will be published on the HT website.
  2. Information from the July HT Board Meeting: P&R told the board about the idea of a Helena Corp Volunteer group and they approved this idea. There was talk of newspaper articles to high lite the positives of our Parks and Township properties. Cathy presented the idea of HT paying for up to one article per month in the Review.


  1. Public Input: Barry mentioned the idea of having movies at the Ball Park. Butch Peeples gave input concerning discussions & potential plans in the community to present movies in various locations. OLD BUSINESS:
  2. Soil Erosion at the Ball Park. The soil erosion control project was discussed. Barry is pursuing possible funding sources. Estimates are still needed concerning erosion control. There has been ongoing discussion as to the need for erosion control.

Ideas were presented about possible activities that could take place at the Ball Park.

  1. Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Steve believes the software program will be ready in September. Steve still plans to work on numbering items such as picnic tables and benches. 
  2. 7. Recognition of volunteers who worked on Coy Mtn. Trail redo. – Will be on the September agenda. 8. Celebration of the completion of the Coy Mountain Preserve trail redo. –Will be on the September agenda


  1. Helena Township Volunteer Group. The HT Board approved the idea of a Helena Corp. Volunteer Group. We have two persons who have presently signed the hold harmless form as part of this group. The idea of having certain persons become involved with the upkeep of a particular park was discussed. The plan is to take this idea to the HT Board for their consideration.

The next P&R monthly meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, September1st, 2021 at 7pm in the Community Bldg.

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 08/17/2021