Meeting called to order 7pm
Present – Steve, Jim, Brian, Barry, Jan, Bonnie, Amy
Members of Public present- Bill Frey, Connie Frey, Tom Ward, Colleen Ward
1. Welcome to Amy Paul!
2. Minutes from 8/3/22 – approved and will be published
3. Info from the Township meeting –
● update on picnic tables getting done
● putting money together to bring steps at ballfield up to code
● Barry has been working on tables and benches
● Recognition of the Coy Mtn celebration
4. Public Comment- Bill Frey, Connie Frey, Tom Ward, Colleen Ward were in attendance –
Bill Frey – owns property next to Lone Tree Point access – over the years the approach to the bank is getting worn – surprised that there’s no sign at the LTP access – propose a no-parking sign about 50 feet from bank, at the white pine.
Bill also supports a stairway to improve access and mitigate erosion
Bonnie replied that she would support a no-parking sign, and that an erosion mitigation plan and steps
Steve suggested a split-rail fence to block parking vs. a sign
Tom Ward – Came up in Spring, all the trees at the access were gone, drainfield and gravel added – spoke to Butch Peeples, and discovered a private donor funded the improvements -was told by butch there was a plan for a chain link fence, and the Wards paid for their own split-rail fence. Also unclear on the amount of trees being removed, whether the initial clearing of 30% is it or if there’s more.
Colleen Ward – wants to be informed and have a voice in future LTP improvements.
Bonnie stated the trees that were removed were dead/dying and there’s no plan to clear-cut the bank
Connie pointed out that lot lines aren’t always obvious, and that leftover stumps will eventually die off and no longer hold the bank.
Old Business-
5. Soil erosion at ballfield- still looking at alternate methods besides rocks, will be able to focus more on this in the fall
Jim- looked at Leslie’s erosion mitigation plan and will catalog those concerns to help back up bank request. Amy to help with grant writing.
6. Capital Improvement Plan – Brian
7. Site Plan for ballpark – no updates, work in progress. Suggest that we combine erosion + site plan
8. Resurfacing of tennis court – Steve contacted 3 contractors, Tennis Court Unlimited did 2014 refurb and responded with a quote for $22,500 to clean surface, fill cracks, resurface, 2 coats of texture color, and repainting lines by brush. TCU recommended any water drain mitigation
would be futile. Awaiting bids from Hentco and Racquet Sports. Long-term, the courts might need to be completely demolished and re-built. (prior estimates from Elmers were $86K for a rebuild).
Jim asked when the work would be done- would need to be summer 2023 at earliest.
Amy asked if it was wise to spend ~$20k on ongoing maintenance every 5 years
Jim mentioned the initial tennis court was a gift from residents and that a new court would likely be out of scope of the township
Bonnie said that the township board would likely prioritize ballfield, and any new installations bring the question of funding ongoing operations
New Business –
9. Expansion of pavilion at tennis court park – no updates , will await for update from butch and township board
10. Reservation System and DNR rec pass – bonnie has contracts for reservations for depot, ballfield, and Tennis Court Park pavilion. might need to update commercial rentals (example, art shows where
the renter sub-lets to vendors). Consensus that there’s no present issue and we should close issue.
11. Review of HT community Center gym use – bonnie reviewed list of gym signups, in interest of blocking 11-1 slot and avoiding slots after closing hours- township residents kept their gym slots, just a couple of remaining issues. Agreed the issue is closed
12. Review of HT website – work in progress – will move to November
adjourned at 8:17pm
Parks & Rec Minutes Sept 7, 2022
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