Planning Commission Minutes – July 25, 2011 (Special Meeting)
Minutes of Helena Township Planning Commission
July 25, 2011
Meeting called to order by Swan at 7:05 p.m.
Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Present: Jim Swan Jim Gurr
Bob Johnson Bonnie Robbins
Rodger Dewey
Absent: Chris Dewald Mike Robinson
Township officials present: Guy Molby
Approval of Agenda: Motion: Robbins, 2nd Johnson. Carried (5,0)
Statement of Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: None
Communication: Letter expressing dislike for new sign at the Alden Bar. Believes sign to be distracting and suggests ordinance against signs of this nature. Also concern of car and trailer on a property in open view, should be behind a fence.
Grand Vision grant announcement.
Old Business: Work on zoning ordinance language.
Johnson submitted notes on spelling and missing words found during his review.
Discussion of need to define Light Industrial area.
Definitions review:
Language in single family definition specifically addressing mobile homes has been revised to state the home must meet building code.
Short term rental definition is minimum of 7 days rental.
Section 4.01.01 revised to include “LI”-Light Industrial District
Continued discussion of need to identify zone boundaries. Consensus to define as follows: Light Industrial is allowed by Special Use Permit in all Districts except R1, R2, and Village.
Section 4.03.02. I, 4.04.02.G, 4.05.01.I, 4.06.01.E. These section bullets will read as follows:
Travel trailers and recreational vehicles may be used in all zones on a temporary basis provided such travel trailer or recreational vehicle is maintained in a sanitary, movable, and legally registered condition.
Section 4.07.03 – Strike D. Do not include language at this time.
Section 4.08 renamed to “LI”–Light Industrial District
Section 4.08.02 change wording to “LI”-Light Industrial.
Section 4.08.03.A change wording to Light industrial.
Section 4.08.05 add (R1, R2) to end of last sentence to define ‘R’ zones.
Section 4.09.02.B correct capitalization errors in both paragraphs.
Section 5.01.06 Strike entire section.
Section 5.01.09 Strike-no language at this time.
Section 5.03.01 Strike entire section.
Sec tion 5.03.02 Correct reference to 16.06 to relocated Appeals Board language Section 3.07. Strike the words ‘Any additional’ at beginning of 2nd sentence.
Section 5.07.03.D-Strike the word ‘sodium’.
Section 5.07.04 Change ‘Manufacturing’ to Light Industrial Zone.
Section 5.07.04.B.3 Strike
Section 5.07.04.D Strike
Section 5.07.04.H Strike last sentence.
Section 5.07.04.K.3 correct spelling error ‘disability’ should be “visibility”.
Section 5.10.02.F Strike
Section 5.10.03.A.3 30 days.
Section 5.10.04.C.5 Two signs
Section 5.10.07 Change title to Abandoned Signs, strike all but bullet 3 which become language of this section.
Section 5.11-Revert to current ordinance language for Off Street Parking.
Section 5.12-Strike this section.
Mapping is tabled for further discussion.
Clarification of new Rural Residential District. All parcels currently zoned Agricultural are re-zoned Rural Residential except those parcels which meet the tax tribunal requirements for agricultural classification.
Discussion on when copies of corrected ordinance will be available.
Adjourn: Motion to adjourn by Johnson, 2nd Gurr. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Robbins
Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary