Planning Commission Minutes – November 07, 2012
Minutes of Helena Township Planning Commission
November 07, 2012
Meeting called to order by Swan at 7:03 p.m.
Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Present: Jim Swan Jim Gurr
Bob Johnson Bonnie Robbins
Chris Dewald Mike Robinson
Absent: Roger Dewey
Township officials present: Guy Molby
Approval of Agenda: Add Zoning Administrator Report under New Business. Motion: Johnson, 2nd Gurr. Carried (6,0)
Statement of Conflict of Interest: Swan will turn meeting over to Johnson for Special Use Permit
Approval of Minutes: Spelling correction. Motion: Johnson, 2nd Gurr. Carried (6,0)
Public Comment: 3 present no comment at this time
Communication: Discussion of Michigan Planners Conference in Traverse City. Molby, Gurr, and Robbins attended.
New Business: Special Use Permit: Additional Wind Generator – Private Residence
Dewald raised question of process. Based on current language this should be taken to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Discussion with Molby, Commission and applicant resulted in applicant agreeing to remove additional generator. Special Use Permit fee will be returned to applicant.
ZA report 5 land use, 9 field checks, 0 attorney contact, 14 other public contacts, 0 violations (tickets written)
Old Business: Discussion concerning outside storage in commercial district. Businesses will be notified of need to screen storage as outlined by ordinance language. Molby will continue to pursue this concern. Discussion that ordinance language is sufficient to address outside storage.
Public Comment: Comment from property owners living next to wind generator applicant. Generator being removed was very noisy, especially during high winds.
Reminder that we will need to publish 2013 meeting dates. 2012 attendance report for December meeting.
Adjourn: Motion Dewald, 2nd Johnson. Carried (6,0)
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Robbins
Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary