Helena Township Board Meeting
February 9, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM by Penny Wagner and pledge of allegiance was said. Present: Wagner, Peterson, Gurr, Teague and Rice. Motion to approve agenda with changes by Wagner and support by Teague, motion carried.
Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: None
Approval of minutes: Wagner made motion to approve the minutes with support by Gurr and motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Library beginning balance as of January 1st, 2012 $63,839.64
Receipts $21,576.46
Disbursements $7,898.37
Bank balance as of 01/31/2012 $77,517.73
Two CD’s; $48,258.93 and $15,718.44
As of 01/31/2012 Total Assets $141,495.10
Township beginning balance as January 1, 2012 $304,766.05
Receipts $93,507.13
General Fund Disbursements $34,317.94
Cemetery & Bldg. $13,419.12
Ambulance millage payment $22,846.91
Total Disbursements $70,583.97
TOTAL BANK BALANCE as of January 31, 2012 $327,689.21
Motion to approve treasurer’s report with corrections by Wagner, support by Gurr; motion carried.
Presentation of bills: Township: January 1-31, 2011: $60,403.21 and February 1-9, 2012: $2,969.06.
Speakers: Paul Delange requested permission to install a gas space heater at the Depot. Peterson suggested the use of a memorandum of understanding to be completed prior to installation. Gurr made the motion to approve the installation of a gas space heater at the Depot with support by Teague and motion carried. Rice suggested a carbon monoxide monitor and board agreed.
Communications: Letter received from Tim Pierce concerning chickens. Letter to be referred to the planning commission. Letter received from Jim Dewey about the paving of Paige Road. Sheriff’s report for January reviewed by board members..
Committee reports: Zoning administrator. Molby gave report. Boat house on Clam Lake built without permit. Trailer to be cut up to be removed on East Torch Lake Drive.
Planning Commission: Gurr reported that the public hearing for review of the zoning ordinance was held Jan. 4th, 2012. Zoning ordinance with changes approved by County. Planning commission to review any changes from the County.
Ambulance authority: Teague reported that the old ambulance being replaced has been received by the South Torch Lake Fire Department.
Parks & Recreation: Peterson reported that the Parks and Recreation Committee were reviewing the survey results and next meeting is scheduled for February 15th, 2012.
Old business: Road projects; South Cemetery Road and North Lake Street were discussed. Wagner to contact Burt Thompson for contracts with additional information and confirmation.
Peterson presented board with draft for a use agreement for the Depot Park along with the memorandum from township lawyer Kate Redman. Discussion followed; Peterson to provide board members with use agreement amended draft before using for scheduling events at the Depot Park. Gurr made the motion to accept the Depot Park Use Agreement with changes for scheduling events at the Depot Park. Teague supported motion and motion carried.
New Business: Peterson made motion to appoint the current six Helena Township Library Board members to become the interim Alden District Library Board until the November general election 2012. Wagner supported motion. Roll call vote; Rice; yes, Peterson; yes, Gurr; no, Teague; yes, and Wagner; yes. The 7th appointed Alden District Library Board member would be by the Mancelona School District.
Peterson proposed that a sign be made and installed at the Helena Township Cemetery. Discussion followed. Peterson to obtain cost estimate for sign from Image Pro.
Board discussed dangerous building police power. Township board is not interested in adopting this as an ordinance.
Peterson requested board to approve purchase of a scanner. Scanner would be used to create electronic filing system which could be accessed for future FOIA requests and easier access to historical information. Gurr made the motion to approve the purchase of a scanner, not to exceed $250.00, with support by Teague and motion carried.
Wagner presented Board of Review Resolution which will provide an alternative starting date in March when the Board of Review shall initially meet, appoint Ken Renaud, appoint Dorothy Cole as an alternate, and reappoint John Meyette, and Steve Dell. Resolution passed with roll call vote; five ayes and none opposed.
Discussion on building millage renewal and possible operational millage. No decision by board . Clerk will check ballot language for renewal.
Peterson presented board with estimates to replace the baseboard heating (hot water) in the voter room which has been damaged by the folding chair cart storage over time. Rice made the motion to purchase the high output slope top baseboard in the amount of $1,727.00. Teague supported the motion and the motion carried.
Wagner informed board that the Vance property for sale(potential public parking in Alden) had been reduced. Board discussion followed with consensus by the board not to pursue purchasing this property.
Peterson presented board with estimate (Friend’s of the Library) to purchase carts designed to stack folding chairs. Discussion followed. Rice made the motion for the purchase of one cart at a cost of $350.00 with support by Peterson and motion carried.
Announcements: None
Additional Public Comment: None
Motion to pay bills by Wagner, support by Rice, and motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:32 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Helena Township Clerk
David G. Peterson Jr.
David G. Peterson Jr.