Helena Township Board Meeting
March 10, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM by Cathy Rice; treasurer, and pledge of allegiance was said. Present: Rice, Peterson, Gurr, Teague; Wagner absent. Motion to approve agenda by Rice with support by Gurr, motion carried. Five people in audience.
Public Comment: Sheriff Dan Bean gave Sheriff’s report. Made request for marine patrol volunteers with training in mid April.
Approval of minutes: Gurr made motion with support from Teague to approve the minutes. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Library beginning balance as of February 28, 2011 $67,578.22
Receipts $38,139.50
Disbursements $7683.32
Bank balance as of 02/28/2011 $98,034.40
Two CD’s; $46,417.12 and $15,691.04
As of February 28, 2011 Total Assets $160,142.56
Township beginning balance as February 28, 2011 $367,363.23
Receipts $125,397.35
General Fund Disbursements $17,659.19
Cemetery $625.53
Building $9,402.27
Ambulance millage $20,553.05
Total Disbursements $48,240.04
TOTAL BANK BALANCE as of February 28, 2011 $444,520.54
Motion to approve treasurer’s report by Teague, support Gurr, motion carried.
Presentation of bills: Township January 1-31, 2011: $17,619.35 and February 01-11, 2011: $28,362.53; includes $20,553.05 payment to Township Ambulance Authority.
Speakers: None
Communications: None
Committee reports: Zoning administrator. Molby reports the car wash is open and final review will be available for April’s township board meeting.
Planning Commission: Bonnie Robbins reported that the planning commission had approved the site plan for Alden Enterprises storage buildings project. The first half of the changes to the zoning ordinance memorandum was reviewed during a joint meeting held March 2nd of the planning commission and the township board with Chris Bzdok and Kate Redman There is another joint meeting with the planning commission and township board scheduled for the first Wednesday in April with Chris Bzdok and Kate Redman. Bonnie Robbins also reported that the wind ordinance approved by the Helena Township Board in February was published in the Antrim Review.
Ambulance authority: Rick Teague reported that the renovations at the old fire barn in Mancelona continue and completion is anticipated to be mid May.
Old business: Reviewed letter from Burt Thompson, county road commissioner, reviewing the paving of four foot wide shoulders on East Torch Lake drive from Alden Highway to Clam River. The Antrim County Road Commission received a safety grant with a 20% local match.
Discussion followed and the township board decided to write a letter to the Antrim County Road Commissioner that Helena Township would not be contributing any money towards this project on a primary county road. Peterson made the motion for a letter to be written and sent to the county road commissioner with support from Gurr and motion passed.
Peterson made motion to approve Arndt Electric Service, Inc.’s proposal to replace 12 gym lights with new energy efficient lights and guards for $4,898.00 and replace wiring to street light in front of the Mill House for $720.00 with support by Gurr and motion passed.
New Business: Alden dock grant extension resolution was reviewed. Gurr made motion to approve resolution with support by Teague. Roll call vote with four (4) ayes and no (0) nayes with one absent.
Board reviewed resolution prepared by Bzdok to adopt a Temporary Moratorium on the Commencement of land uses associated with the acquisition, cultivation, manufacture, delivery, transfer, or transportation of medical marihuana; and a Temporary Moratorium on the permitting, licensing, or approval of all land uses associated with the acquisition, possession, cultivation, manufacture, use, internal possession, delivery, transfer, or transportation of medical marihuana. Gurr made motion to adopt this medical marihuana temporary moratorium resolution with support by Teague. Roll call vote was four (4) ayes and no (0) nays and one absent.
Peterson presented board with memorandum of understanding with the Friends of the Library for 2010. Discussion followed and the word “guarantee” on the first line is to be replaced with the word “schedule”. Rice made the motion to approve the MOU with support by Gurr and motion passed.
Peterson requested approval to purchase non-skid mats for the kitchen and the board agreed to purchase one 3’x5′ and two 3’x10′ mats.
A vestibule was proposed for the north entrance to the community center with handicap accessible doors; required by current election laws, by Peterson. Discussion followed with request to obtain bids.
The need for a brochure for events scheduled in Alden during 2011 was discussed and the schedule of events will be placed on the Helena Township web page.
Gary Ford (representing Alden Enterprises) presented site plan for Alden Enterprises storage buildings project located behind the car wash. The project consists of four (4) buildings to be built in phases. Upon findings of facts by the Planning Commission, Gurr made the motion to approve the site plan for the storage buildings with support by Teague. Roll call vote was four (4) ayes and no (0) nays with one absent.
Additional Public Comment: None.
Motion to pay bills by Rice, support Gurr, and motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:17 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Helena Township Clerk
David G. Peterson Jr.
David G. Peterson Jr.