Helena Twp Board Minutes: November 9, 2017

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Helena Township Board Minutes

November 9, 2017

Meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7 pm by Supervisor Rick Teague.

Members present were Butch Bartz, Bonnie Robbins, Rick Teague and Catherine Rice. Dave

Peterson was absent. There were 5 additional attendees.

The Agenda was approved with additions of the Snow Plow Bid and a request for an antenna to

be placed on the Community Center roof by 186Networks.

Ruth Smith spoke under public comment making a request for the township to purchase a

defibrillator for the Community Center. Cathy made the motion to approve the purchase, not to

exceed $1200.00, supported by Butch. Motion carried. Guy Molby stated that in the Pledge of

Allegiance, there is no comma after one nation, and should be recited one nation under God. Jim

Gurr also stated that he had been at state meetings and they are very particular about such things.

The minutes and Treasurer’s report were approved as presented.

Presentation of bills: October 1-31, $11,415.56, and November 1-9, $2,054.18.

Kevin Elsenheimer was to speak on the court stats for 2016, but did not attend.

Lottery resolution request by Ruth Smith to allow a non-profit organization to apply for a

gaming license allowing for a raffle to support the Bob Scholarship Fund for graduating High

School seniors going on to higher education. Motion by Rick, supported by Butch to approve.

Carried. Request to put Memorial Plaque on Little Girl with basket was approved.

Written zoning report was given by Zoning Administrator, Guy Molby documenting 5 permits, 8

field checks, 11 contacts and 2 meetings.

Planning Commission discussed second home rental policies of Elk Rapids as there have been

several requests in our township for same. Our Zoning Ordinance does not allow for more than

one dwelling in the R Zone. The accumulated meeting attendance of committee members for

annual per diem pay from the township will be given to the clerk. Meetings will remain the first

Thursday of the month at 7 pm for the 2018 year.

There was an article in the Review about Terry Smith who was instrumental in forming the

TAA, about how they responded during his heart attack and subsequent by-pass surgery.

Bonnie noted that the chip and seal done past Clam River was starting to chip away, so this will

be investigated before deciding if we want to use that on some of our roadway surfaces in the


There was a motion by Rick, supported by Bonnie to accept the snow plow bid from Kenny

Barber for the 2017-2018 winter season.

The request by 186Networks to place an antenna on top of the Community Center for the Fire

Department to receive a better connection will be sent back to them to look for another option, as

there is concern about our membrane roof and holes being put in it.

Jim Gurr stated that he has had to have an antenna put up in order to receive Wi-Fi, so

186Networks wants to use the Community Center as it has more height than the Fire

Department. He also requested that we once again hang the picture of our War Veterans back up

in the Community Center. Cathy said she would look into the matter. The board was thanked

for doing a good job.

Motion to pay bills by Bonnie, supported by Butch, and carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Catherine Rice for David Peterson, Clerk
