Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 09/06/2017 Approved 10-04-2017
In attendance: Steve Dell, Jim Gurr, Bonnie Robbins, & Ruth Smith. Absent: Mike Crawford, Jan Loveland, & Jeanne Peeples. Community members present: Linda & Buzz Bryson, Linda Fox, Barb Lockrey, Mr. Muntz, Laura Westerman, and Michelle Zeeman.
- Community Input. Questions were asked about the potential purchase of the bank property next to the Franklin St. access. This is a decision that could only be made by the Helena Township Board. Anything to be done would involve notice that would allow for public input. Comments were made outlining the concerns that people have with the Township purchasing the land. It seems unlikely that anything will be done concerning purchase of this property in the near future. Additional community input – like Coy Mt. paths the way they are & do not like using the tennis courts when both pickleball and tennis are played at the same time.
- Minutes from the 08/02/2017 meeting were approved & will be published online.
- Information from the Helena Twp. Meeting Vickie Ferris requested that the township try to have the speed limit lowered S. of Alden. The Twn. agreed to pay $500 toward the new library/CC sign. Funds for ‘aprons ‘at entrances at the Depot Pk and Ball diamond were approved. We were informed that the electric service was being removed from the Ball Diamond. I told the board that Steve is putting together the paperwork needed to get our final DNR grant money. I told the board about the Aug. 21st forum. Jim mentioned the request to clear behind 1st Alley/Alley one.
OLD BUSINESS: 4. Recreational Passport Grant from DNR needed verifications is in order to request the full amount of the remaining grant monies from the DNR. Steve is to meet with Dave Peterson this Friday to have the completed paperwork signed.
- GTR Land Conservancy at Coy Mt. Preserve Todd Vigland of the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy (GTRLC) has presented a draft project agreement for GTRLC and HT to work together at Coy Mt. Preserve. Todd has not yet furnished the needed budget information. Moved to the future agenda items list.
- Erosion Abatement Project at Ball Park. Elmer’s gave us a bid estimate. Mike was not at the meeting to report on this issue.
7 HT Parks Community Survey. A public Forum was held Aug. 21st with only three residents in attendance. Although their input was interesting and helpful we were disappointed in the small turn out and that no board member participated.
Five Year Plan – assignments were handed out. Jim will work on The Community Description. Bonnie will work on Administrative Structure & Description of the Planning and Public Input Process. Ruth and Steve will work on the other contents looking to other committee members if needed. All sections will be brought back to the committee for review of possible changes.
Bonnie & Jim volunteered that after completion of the plan they will make an outline of changes in the plan to help those reviewing the new plan.
Jan will be asked if she will type up information on those wishing to be contacted.
The idea of a meeting with local volunteer groups was mentioned. This would give one more avenue for input concerning the Pk. & Rec. Five Yr. plan. We will be setting this meeting up for October.
Revision of our five-year-plan.
Remaining tasks:
Sept – October: Complete “Recreation and Natural Resources Plan” Volunteer group / stakeholders meeting.
November: At the regular meeting get the final public input concerning the plan. Possibly approve the completed plan at the regular P&R meeting. If revisions are needed plan to schedule a special meeting to approve the plan once it is completed.
December/January Completed plan to go to the HT Board for review and approval (hopefully).
March 1: Submit plan to DNR prior to this date.
- Accessibility assessment at the Ball Park. Steve has contacted Jim Moore from Disability Network and he will be meeting with P&R comm. members Mon., Sept. 11th to review accessibility at the park. NEW BUSINESS: 9. Annual review of the P&R portion of the HT web site. Steve and Ruth are in the process of reviewing the web site. Lisa Lirones has taken some pictures of the parks and we are hoping to have them published online. Thanks Lisa. Hopefully the PowerPoint used at the Public Forum will also be published online.
- Decide what Twp. roads would be the best for a bicycle route. Move to future agenda / March
- Reaching agreement between P&R and Twp. Board -goals for Coy Mtn. /to future agenda/March
- Request for a second pickleball court. Moved, 2nd, and approved to ask the board to have PB lines added to the second tennis court. This was based on additional comments made in the July survey.
- Get copies of the HT Park surveys for the Committees files. Moved to future agenda / May
The next monthly meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, October 4th, 2017– 7pm Meeting room at the Community Bldg… Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 09/11/2017