Parks & Rec Minutes April 5, 2023

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April 2023 Parks/Rec meeting


Present- Jim, Jan, Steve, Barry, Brian

Public- Butch P.


  1. call to order @ 7:08pm
  1. Approval of March minutes- Barry brought an objection to the previous minutes, the committee agreed to amend as follows-

“After considering inputs from the public and approvals from relevant permitting agencies DEQ and Soil Erosion, the subcommitee brought forth a recommend to carry the project forward to the P/R committee. P/R commitee approved the recommendation and agreed to bring the project forward to township board with a recommendation to approve.”

  1. Helena Township board meeting- The board discussed the recommendation for Lone Tree Point and agreed to table any decisions until the May Board meeting
  1. public comment – none
  1. No update on CIP – now that the winter has ended, we can hopefully make progress on inventory of the Parks assets
  1. Spark Grants for Tennis Court Park and BallPark – Steve talked to Jennifer about amending grant since Phase 1 of approvals have passed- it is possible, it might cost additional $. Jennifer recommended the grant application be left as-is.
  2. LTP site plan – Plan rests at Township board, will be considered in May meeting
  3. Pavilion at TCP- no updates
  4. Depot Park Upgrades – Bellaire Youth Initiative Program supported by Juniper, could possibly be source for maintaining – juniper is not doing new planting but is maintaining. beds had been emptied by township.
  5. 5 year plan 2024-2029 – this is a requirement from the DNR and other grant providers. The committee will begin by reviewing previous 5 year plan, with future assignments to committee members.


Adjourned 7:51pm