Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 02/03/2021 Approved 03-03-2021 In attendance: Steve Dell, Jim Gurr, Jan Loveland, Bonnie Robbins, & Ruth Smith. Absent: Barry Snyder Non-members in attendance: Butch Peeples, HT supervisor
1. Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm
- The meeting minutes from 11/04/2020 were approved as presented & will be published on the HT website.
- Information from the October Township Board Meeting. HT personnel are working on an ordinance concerning the Safe Harbor. It was mentioned that someone had requested to have a tree planted as a memorial. I reminded the Board that they have an approved memorial policy in place. Steve is going to look into the cost of the memorial bricks with wording which are a part of the current memorial policy. This information will help us to determine the expense to the Township to purchase a memorial brick. 4. Public Input: Butch Peeples, HT supervisor, attended the meeting to show support for the P&R Committee and share some of his ideas of possible future projects.
- Soil Erosion at the Ball Park. Barry S. was not present to share the Site Plan map. There was some discussion of where we stand with the soil erosion control project. This item will be moved to the March 2021 meeting. 6. Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). This will be moved to the March 2021 meeting.
7 ARSC did receive the grant money to purchase a toddler toy for Tennis Court Park. 8. Helena Twn/Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy are very close to completing the purchase of additional land adjacent to the Coy Mountain Preserve. Steve has helped with preparation of an MOU and with facilitating communication. 9. The yearly review was completed and Bonnie continues to update the HT website.
- The sign at S. Lake St. – Butch Peeples will look into what it might take to make the sign, letting people know that this is public land, more visible.
- Jan suggested that it would be good if the various groups working on and at Depot Park get together to discuss what needs to be done and whom is doing what. It was decided that P&R will invite groups to attend the May Meeting to discuss their thoughts concerning Depot Park with the Parks and Recreation Committee. 12.Jan, Steve, & Ruth presented a plan to purchase toddler equipment for Tennis Court Park. The general plan for purchasing three new toys was approved by the Committee. There is additional research needed to put together a complete list of anticipated expenses.
- The project Application and Review forms have been updated to include a question asking if the project includes a memorial plaque or signage honoring someone or something.
The next P&R monthly meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021 at 7pm in the Community Bldg.
Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 02/06/2021