Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes for 09/01/2021
In attendance: Steve Dell, Jim Gurr, Jan Loveland, Bonnie Robbins, Ruth Smith, & Barry Snyder Non-members in attendance: Butch Peeples 1. Meeting called to order at 7:03 pm
- The meeting minutes from 8/04/2021 were approved & will be published on the HT website.
- Information from the August HT Board Meeting. The board was told about some of the maintenance work being done by Barry and Butch at the Ball Diamond.
- Public Input: None. OLD BUSINESS:
- Soil Erosion at the Ball Park. The increasing need for urgency in implementing soil erosion control for the shore at the Ball Park was discussed. A decision was made to have township personnel talk with the Antrim Co. DNR grant advisor to discuss any grants that might be available at this time. Barry is still pursuing possible funding for erosion control. Also mentioned were the monies that might come to the township for some reimbursement of funds spent to help fight the Covid-19 virus.
- Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Steve just received the CIP software program. He will be testing the software and begin loading information. Numbers still need to be put onto tables, benches, the parks.
- 7. Recognition of volunteers who worked on Coy Mtn. Trail redo. Ruth is to get Jan a list of volunteers who worked on the project. Jan will prepare an article for the Review. To be on the October agenda. 8. Celebration of the completion of the Coy Mountain Preserve trail redo. We will plan to work with the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy (GTRLC) on this celebration. Steve will contact GTRLC to discuss how they would like to move forward. We are looking at this taking place in the Spring of 2022.
To be moved to January under future agenda items.
- Helena Township Volunteer Group. The idea of having certain persons become involved with the upkeep of a particular park was further discussed and for various reasons we decided not to pursue it at this time. It had not yet been presented to the HT Board.
NEW BUSINESS: 10.The fee for reserving the gym for pickleball has gone up to $8 per hour. This will be published on the HT Website.
- Rental of the Tennis Court Park Pavilion. It will now cost $15 per hour (for up to 4 hours) or $100 for more than 4 hours to reserve the Pavilion at Tennis Court Park.
- Steve, Ruth, and Bonnie will work on reviewing the HT Website. To be on the October agenda.
- Develop a Tri-fold brochure to talk about our parks and community events. To be moved to Feb. under future agenda items.
The next P&R monthly meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, October 6th, 2021 at 7pm in the Community Bldg.
Respectfully submitted by Ruth Smith 09/7/2021